Fursona description

Crossposted from furaffinity

I'm creating my fursona.

It's a batterfly. That is, mostly a butterfly, but bat paws at the end of the four wings.

Wings with paws

Here is an example of wings+paws. Except that there would be two wings, and thus two paws on each side.


It has two antennas, as any butterfly. The one that is the further away from the viewer/camera has a mini hat (so the hat teleport when the character moves). See for example those mini hats. The goal is not to copy any of those hats, but to give a feeling of the very busy and small hats. The decoration of the hats vary.

To start, I'll take many little flowers at the bottom of the hat, of the colors of the original pride flags, on the hat, and black feathers on top of it.


The proboscis is purple. It can be blowed like a birthday trumpet.


The head and the body are yellow as this butterfly


The wings on both sides are almost (but not perfectly) symmetric. The top and bottom wing are similar. In the sense that the top wing has a clear motive, and the bottom ones have a fuzzy version of the motive. For example if the top wings are the rainbow flags, then the top wings has mostly straight lines and the bottom wings have spirals and the colors merge. (That will be the color choice for the original commission) The motives varies a lot. They are like dyed hairs. It takes time and effort to change, so it's not done often. The same motives can come back or there can be seen only during a month and then never more.


The abdomen is smaller than usual butterfly abdomen. This way, the bottom paws (legs) are longer than the abdomen.


The character stands on his two paws like a human. The abdomen can be used as a third leg, like a kangaroo tail. The two legs are white, as this butterfly.

At the end of those two legs, there are two slippers that are similar to cap paws. Similar to those paws. They are slippers, the actual paws are hidden.

It's easier for me to get in Big Tech

I've heard that it's really hard to get into big-tech companies. That, since they pay top salaries, they can be very selective in who they hire. I'll plainly admit that it's not my experience, and offer a different narrative.

And while I admit I believe I understand more or less why it occurs, I still find it counter-intuitive that it was easier for me to find software engineer job at Amazon and Google[1], than to join smaller French companies.


[1] I also heard good feedback from Meta recruiter, up to a sudden email stating that there were no more job in my location. Followed two days later by announcement of mass layoffs.

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Why I had to be rich to earn a high income

Nothing new under the sun; having money helps to earn money. Still, I believe it may be interesting to document my particular - why I could not have had the well-paying job I have today if I was not quite confortable - as a very concrete example. And while other paths do exists, and I don't claim it's necessary to already have money to get the kind of income I get as a software engineer, I just note how much being financially secure helped.

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Kotlin migration of AnkiDroid

AnkiDroid successfully converted its entire project from Java to Kotlin. In this first AnkiDroid dev blog post, we’ll explain our goal, our methods, and what remains to do.

Our goals

The main goal of the migration is to improve developers' experience. Kotlin code is easier to read, write and review than Java. Anki AnkiDroid is 13 years old. If we are still here in 13 years, we hope that the time spent during this migration year will be entirely saved. We also hopefully will decrease the number of bugs and get more readable codes using Kotlin features, such as better nullability check, scope function, and high-order function over collections.

Here is the extra goals we discovered along the way:

  • git history should still allow us to track the origin of each code line.
  • Each commit should compile
  • New contributors should be able to help us easily
  • Kotlin migration should not introduce bug

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Why Anki is not well-known

Quite some Anki fans wonder why Anki is not well-known. Using Anki changed the life of more people than I can count, and they wonder why there are not more people using it; or at least why it is not well-known. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. I should not however that, it's a question on a negative, so I can only offers educated guesses. "Educated" because I've been active in Anki ecosystem since 2017, but "guess" because it's pretty hard to answer a question on a negative and this is hardly a question for a software developer.

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Using Anki while driving

Don't review while driving

I don't believe I have to state it's a horrible idea, that nobody should review flash cards while driving. Actually, I had not even considered that anyone would do it. But someone did. Actually, according to some redditor who do it :

I can guarantee you at least 50% of the Anki-using people in my medical school class (myself included) have done Anki while driving, whether stuck in a traffic jam on the way home or at an obnoxiously long stoplight.

And, as I answered:

You know what. I've been contributing to Anki ecosystem in one way or another for the past 5 years. This post is the very first time someone was able to make me reconsider whether it was a good choice.

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Syntax coloring of code in Anki

Programmers, we love having our code colored, bold, and so on, to get a quick overview of the code structure. Highligh does a really great job, however up to now, I have not seen anybody successfully using it in Anki and AnkiDroid. This is now done. Please, user of iOS let us know whether it works too

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What can Anki ecosystem do with more money

Anki ecosystem in general, and ankidroid in particular, evolves with a lot of constrains. There is few developpers, most of us are students or have a full-time job with it. Also, AnkiDroid do not officially exists, we are just a github repo and a play store account. This mean that AnkiDroid and anki ecosystem is currently limited by volunteer time and the little amount of money that we get through donation[1]. In this post, I'll consider what we may be able to do if we got a lot more money.

This are my personal thought, published without reviews by anybody else. In particular it does not endorse my employer, or any other maintainers or contributors of any mentioned product.


[1] Plus sales for AnkiMobile on iOS, but that is only for AnkiTekts, and pay for AnkiWeb, the synchronization/hosting/deck sharing service.

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I don't find myself queer

People I meet regularly think that I am non-binary and queer. I have to say, the more time passes, the more people assign me as woman - especially when wearing a mask for COVID. I have already written a post (in French) about why I am a man. I want to talk here about why I don't see myself in the word "queer".

A friend of mine offered me to co-create a queer open-mic. I said I didn't see myself in that word, to which she asked "Do you have impostor syndrome?". Here it made sense: "Do I really belong in this scene?". But I thought her more general question very interesting.

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Plausible deniability

I find it funny how mentioning that something is done for plausible deniability diminishes it but not extinguish it. Here is an example of plausible deniability that should not exists for entirely logical beings, but will still exists if you will too. I suspect you may appreciate it. Hopefully for  […]

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Google Summer of Code, point of view of a new admin/org

It's been a month since it has been announced that AnkiDroid was selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Here is the story of a new admin, in a first-time organization. As it’s standard to state, views are my own, not my employer nor my organization. It explains how we went from unprepared to a huge success even before the end of the application phase!

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What the "Rationalist Community" means to me

For years, I wanted to write about what the aspiring rationalist community meant to me. Seeing a lot of people criticizing it, sometime with argument I agree with, often with ones which does not represents the reality I've seen, I made a twitter thread about it. Threads are helpful because I find it more acceptable to write whatever comes through my mind randomly, which makes it easier to write than a blog post. I'll translate and post it here too.

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The scheduler problem

The Scheduler problem is the biggest open problem in the Anki/Spaced repetition learning community I believe. As any good research problems, there are two questions to consider: what are the problems we want to solve, and how to solve them. I've no idea how to solve them, but at least, I hope I can  […]

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Effective altruism and criticism toward activism: Answer to a paradox

For a little while now, I have been exploring the notion of Effective Altruism - EA for short. My readings on the topic so far have been very interesting[1], and I would like to add my own idea that I deem important and have yet to read elsewhere. If ever this has been written down somewhere, I can at least attest to it being all well too hidden. Personally, I believe that it should be discussed in introductions to the EA topic.


[1] I have attempted some meeting with the French EA group, and have seen nothing but discussions yet. As it seems I have been more effective through direct actions against LGBTPhobia in high-school - for all my uncertainties about them - it had seemed pointless for me to join.

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Collaborative decks in Anki

A lot of people want to create collaborative deck for Anki. In September 2018, I had already made quite a few add-ons, and some people contacted me thus to discuss collaborative decks. It has always been in the back of my head since. I'm going to try to write down every thoughts I had and why it seems quite complex.

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How hard can it be to code a feature to let users resize images in a software.

In this post, I expect to show you why it may be difficult to create a seemingly simple program. In particular, to do it well. I'll show case with the last program I wrote, an add-on for Anki. More precisely, the most wanted add-on for anki, according to the vote of users of anki's subreddit: being able to resize image in the editor. This seems to be a simple add-on; after all, resizing by dragging corner has been done in every editing software for decades[1]. In this post, I intend to document all of the things which made me loose time when I created the add-on "Resize image" for anki. I also created a video showing how the add-on works.


[1] Appart from LaTeX, but let's not consider it.

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